5 accumulated Yellow Cards - player
$15.00 plus 1 game suspension
10 accumulated Yellow Cards - team
$40.00 assessed to the team
Red Card - non violent conduct offenses - player
For 2nd Yellow Card - $10.00 plus 1 game suspension
For denying obvious goal scoring opportunity - $15.00 plus 1 game suspension
For serious foul play - $30.00 plus 2 game suspension
For offensive, insulting or abusive language - $30.00 - 60.00 plus 2-4 game suspension
5 accumulated Red Cards - team
$75.00 plus individual red card fines
10 accumulated Red Cards - team
$75.00 plus 4 point deduction in the standings
Violent Conduct - 1st incident for offending team
$150.00 player fine. Player banned minimum 4 games, maximum 12 months
Violent Conduct - 2nd incident for offending team
$150.00 player fine. Player banned 12 months
Violent Conduct - 3rd incident for offending team
$150.00 player fine. Player banned 12 months
Team banned from the league for remaining season and following season plus $150 fine and forfeiture of bond
Failure to appear at a match
$100.00 assessed to the team plus both teams' referee fees
Forfeit with notification by Wed. 1 pm week of game
$50.00 assessed to the team plus field fee
Failure to take down goals after match or store goals properly
$100.00 assessed to the team
Failure to use league game sheet
$25.00 assessed to the team
Protest Fee at time of protest
$25.00 Check returned if protest is upheld. Protest must be emailed within 3 days of game.
Failure to report game score
Must be sent to league email account by 7 pm on Sunday evening with the exception of late games.
1st occurence - Warning
2nd & 3rd occurence - $25.00 each instance
4th & 5th occurence - $50.00 each instance
6th occurence and beyond - $100.00 each instance