Huff n Puff League

We are looking for players to form 50 and over teams in the HuffnPuff League in San Diego and North County. For information please contact Jonathan Hughes @ We are taking information and hope to form additional teams for the Fall 2015 session.

If you have a team that would like to join the Legends 40 division, please contact Gerhard Neuendorff @

SDCSL offers a Fall and Spring Session for Over 30 and Over 40 teams. Fall season runs from September to December and Spring Session runs from March to June. Fields are located throughout the county from North County to Robb Field by Interstate 8. We do not play south of Interstate 8. Our Legends divisions are competitive, but there is no slide tackling. We offer nice fields with full 3 man referee crews from sanctioned referee associations. SDCSL is a league that is well organized and has been in existence since 1964.